Brainwashed women do not realise the danger when they decide to work through purpleport website as models .

Laura Bernardeschi
3 min readJan 25, 2022


Another one bites the dust .

A new case of sexual abuse through purpleport website .

This case arrived finally to the newspapers because women denounced the sex predator to the authority …but how many cases have been hidden by the website because the women were too scared to denounce the maniac ?

Purpleport has a restricted group of admins and they try to solve any problem inside the platform .

They can ban a member if they think he is dangerous but the member can join again the website with a faked profile the following day .

On purpleport everyone can join the website.

This happens because no ID is checked and all the payments to models and photographers happen outside the platform at the end of the faked or real photoshoots.

Most of these payments are in cash with no contract of work .

Women paid up to 40 pound per hour or 300 pound for eight hours plus travel expenses …how is it possible ? We are talking of amateur people with no clue of art and photography .

Which kind of men is behind purpleport ?

The most common members of the platform are rich pensioners or men with a good or important job who can afford to pay a faked model up to 300 pound a day to take pictures at her naked tits in his studio home or dungeon .

In the case of this crime we have a met policeman who presented himself like a pilot of airplanes !! Written on purpleport and never verified by the admins !

This faked pilot was hiring models and filming them when naked through hidden videocameras …fortunately he was discovered and now arrested for three long years .

He was not the first one and will not the last one until purpleport will not be stopped !

Most of the models on the platform do not realise the risk in their job.

For example , one of the admin has encouraged these women to work in hotel rooms with strangers because artistic !!

Here the article that can be read on the website !

Really everything is against the rules of the common sense there.

Last thing.

I left Italy eleven years ago for the Berlosconian bunga bunga parties but it seems on this island they are celebrated like artistic photoshoots thanks to this amateur modeling websites .



Laura Bernardeschi

Multidisciplinary artist originally from Italy but living in Uk since 2011 .She lives for art