Laura Bernardeschi
4 min readMar 10, 2024

Too many people in the world have the unlucky experience of meeting narcissists who try to ruin their lives for jealousy and envy.

This kind of mean monster can be found easily among colleagues, managers, partners and friends.

In my experience, I always advise people to keep their eyes wide open and their mouths closed before becoming too confidential and trusty with someone they do not know.

If the person in front of you seems happy to agree with you every time you express your ideas, it is the best moment to run away as soon as you can, or at least change desks if work next to you.

Narcissists are insecure people who hide themselves behind the strength of honest people who are not scared to be themselves. They are mean, liars, faked and pervert.

I still remember my three-year relationship with a man who was hiding his true colours behind a fake charming smile. I was so in love and stupid that I was blind for the first whole year. But gradually I started to open my eyes to discover with horror his true colours, including his games with young girls who could be their granddaughters.

A narcissist never admits to being wrong and always denies his games.

Often they play their games helped by others.

Because they do not have any interior strength, they always try to find someone ready to help and support them in their games.

But for sure, before choosing their best pal they will study the best strategy to destroy you with what you hate more.

Some examples.

If you discuss with one of your friends, the narcissist will start to support him to increase your hate towards that person.

If you do not like a colleague, they will start to go around with this colleague telling you she is cool and you are wrong. They are good at gaslighting people and making you think you are wrong and they are always right with their choices.

I still remember one pathetic line manager while I was working for a reputable company in the northeast of England, who enjoyed supporting bullies to damage other people. When I told him he was wrong and should stop with his attitude, he started to support even more the bullies arriving to brainwash also the minds of trusty employers of HR who tried to understand what was going on.

Unfortunately, a few people bullied by the friends of this coordinator had to resign because they could not find any support from the company.

This coordinator ( even if he goes around lying in callying himself line manager ) is honestly the worst example of a narcissist ever met in my long life and with his faked smile hidden behind his long nose is still able to ruin dozens of people if nobody stops him as soon as possible.

Strategy to defeat narcissists.

Once you understand the real nature of the person in front of you, immediately shame him.

Tell the world who they are and which games they are doing.

Narcissist wants to appear like the best on this planet or at least better than you so as soon as you shame them and their dirty games, their pathetic world collapses.

Try to find allies that can help you in this hard war.

It is not easy to face a narcissist but when you finally win the war and people finally know that person for their true colour, it is a great joy and justice is brought back to this world.

Then try to find a bit of time for yourself to understand how hard your nerves and patience have worked and if your mental health has been damaged.

If you think you need a therapist do not be scared to ask at you Gb a bit of help .

But the most important thing is to cut any connection with narcissistic people.

They will try to come back in some way in your life because they can not accept their defeat. So once they appear be ready to give them a virtual kick into their teeth.

Smile and laugh into their face using also social media.

Show them how finally you are happy without them.

They will spy on you, for sure under a faked profile.

They are unhappy and become mad when they see their previous victims happier than them.

This is your best revenge!

Your life is back and do not be scared of loving yourself first of all!

Thanks for reading.

Laura Bernardeschi

Actress, life model , blogger and writer , originally from italy but living in Uk since 2011 .She lives for art